About Us

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Sorghum solutions
start with innovation.
A joint venture between Bayer Crop Science and Remington Seeds, Innovative Seed Solutions (ISS) is the industry’s only traits and genetics leader solely dedicated to advancing sorghum. Our best-in-class team is proud to provide commercial partners dependable, high-quality seed that serves growers’ needs by exceeding their expectations.
ISS is the leading sorghum breeder with one of the industry’s longest continuously running breeding programs and breeding stations in the U.S., Mexico and Brazil. Our genetics have also been leveraged throughout Europe, Asia, Africa and the Middle East.
Our goal is to be the preferred provider of turnkey seed solutions utilizing best-in-class genetics. We provide our breeding expertise and improvements to seed companies of all sizes in order to make sorghum more accessible and successful for growers.

Breeding the Future
We’re breeding the future of the industry.
Since our inception in 2016, we have introduced leading hybrids with improved genetic gain and consistent yields under diverse environmental conditions, including development of varieties resistant to sorghum ergot, SCA and greenbugs, significantly reducing sorghum crop losses. Our team is always at work to provide additional solutions that address yield-limiting issues, including pests, diseases, agronomics and weed management.

Mt. Hope, Kansas, United States
Our Mt. Hope sorghum breeding station, located just west of Wichita, Kansas, focuses on improving yield and adaptability in a diverse range of environments from high-stress dryland through full irrigation situations across the Plains.

Bishop, Texas, United States
This program utilizes advanced genomic technology to develop and test new hybrids from the Rio Grande Valley to the Upper Gulf Coast and central regions of Texas, the heart of sorghum country.

Tlajomulco, Jalisco, Mexico
Our sorghum breeding activities here began in 1979. Nearly half a century later, we remain focused on developing hybrids to be planted throughout Mexico and Central America. Our Mexico and Brazil programs work together to create both grain and dual-purpose high tannin hybrids.

Uberlandia, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Uberlandia is the home of our South American corporate office in addition to our Brazil breeding and commercial teams. Our breeding efforts in Brazil focus on yield improvement, anthracnose leaf blight, northern leaf blight, and late-season stress tolerance.

San Juan de Abajo, Nayarit, Mexico
This region around Puerto Vallarta provides support for our North America winter nursery program and off-season parent/pilot production in addition to our future growth focus for ISS global Trait Introgression and Special Project Center of Excellence.

Zionsville, Indiana, United States
Innovative Seed Solutions is globally headquartered in Zionsville, Indiana, in the northeast area of Indianapolis. This unique location puts us nearby our JV partner, Remington Seed Company, in addition to quick access to airports for connection to our team across the Americas.